
대전 국제 와인 EXPO 2024
10. 27(일)- 11. 3(일)
대전컨벤션센터 제 1-2전시장
11. 1(금)- 11. 3(일)
와인&주류 박람회
11. 1(금)- 11. 3(일)
10th Anniversary of Daejeon International Wine Festival
  • 작성일2021.11.24 09:49
  • 조회수1,851
  • 작성자관리자
2021 아시아와인트로피
10th Anniversary of Daejeon International Wine Festival
= Invitation to restoration and recovery with wine = 

Daejeon International Marketing Enterprise (CEO Ko Kyung Kon) made an announcement that the ‘2021 Daejeon International Wine Festival’ will be held from November 8th (Mon) till November 14th (Sun) at Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon EXPO Museum, and Dongchundang, etc. in Daejeon.


The ‘Daejeon International Wine Festival’, hosted and organized by Daejeon International Marketing Enterprise and sponsored by Daejeon Metropolitan City (Mayor Tae-Jeong Her), is aim to relieve citizens and visitors’ thirst for cultural events and emotional depression caused by COVID-19. In the era of “Living with COVID-19”, the festival is to respond to the aspirations of the transition to daily life and restoration of communication.


Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the ‘Daejeon International Wine Festival’ this year, a variety of programs will be introduced. The festival invites the active participation of local communities and citizens, such as the ‘Daejeon Citizen Sommelier Competition’ where local wine lovers can compete with their wine knowledge, and the ‘Daejeon Local Wine and Spirits Fair’ to promote Daejeon’s authentic wine and spirits. The beverages awarded in the ‘Daejeon Local Wine and Spirits Fair’ will be supported for use in various international events such as the ‘2022 UCLG World Congress’.


The ‘Wine Fair’, held at the Daejeon Convention Center from November 13th to 14th, is a valuable opportunity to experience a wide range of wines. Only those who have completed COVID vaccinations and PCR tests will be able to enter.


Daejeon is a leading city for wine culture with the largest number of wine communities in the country. ‘WAFE in the City’ is a program designed in collaboration with local wine shops and wine bars to rediscover Daejeon as a wine city and to encourage citizens of different generations to enjoy wine and revitalize the local economy. In harmony with exquisite jazz performances, the best experts will lead a fun and informative wine seminar for two months from November to December. (Application for participation: www.djwinefair.com/0407)


Professional events such as 'Asia Wine Trophy', the most prestigious wine competition in Asia, where about 3,000 wines from 30 countries were registered this year and 'National Sommelier Competition' and online events such as 'Virtual Tasting', 'Virtual Wine Exhibition', and ‘Online Asia Wine Conference' are also important programs of the event.


President Ko Kyung Kon said, “The 10th anniversary of the ‘Daejeon International Wine Festival’ has been prepared to meet the needs of wine lovers who have recently surged, and to provide joy and energy to the citizens who are exhausted from COVID-19.” We will solidify our position through various marketing activities so that the brands of Festival and Daejeon can be strengthened on the world.”


Visitors can visit the ‘Wine Fair’(11.13~14) of the ‘Daejeon International Wine Festival’ for free of charge and only enter after receiving adult certification. (Website: www.djwinefair.com)

프로그램 한눈에 보기 문의하기 와인페스티벌 페이스북 와인페스티벌 인스타그램 페이지 최상단으로 이동